
If you are in the process of judicial auction, you feel overwhelmed and without alternatives, Call us one of our advisers will gladly listen to you and look for the options you have to resolve your situation as the case may be in a responsible and efficient way.

Stop Pre-Foreclosure Now

Don't wait for time to run out, act now.

The Impact Of A Foreclosure Can Be Devastating

The impact of a foreclosure can be devastating for a family. Foreclosure represents a loss of stability and security. Not only is it embarrassing and humiliating, foreclosure causes a lost of upheaval and uncertainty for a family.

The Financial Burden Of Losing Your Home

Foreclosure creates both a short-term and a long-term financial burdens for a family. Immediately before or after a foreclosure, the family must find a place to live. This usually means renting wich often entails paying a security deposit and the first month's rent.

How Stop It?

If you are in the process of judicial auction, you feel overwhelmed and without alternatives, Call us one of our advisers will gladly listen to you and look for the options you have to resolve your situation as the case may be in a responsible and efficient way.

If your financial problems are temporary, you may be able to negotiate a forbeance agreement with your lender. A forbeance agreement will allow you to bring your mortgage payments current over a short period of time, usually six months to a year.

Loan Modification

A loan modification is a negotied remedy between a lender and a borrower wich enables the borrower to remain in his home while eliminating the lender's need to foreclose because the borrower has defaulted on the loan.